Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Linkedin and Professional Networking Workshops

Linkedin Professional Networking Workshop (1 Hour)

  1. Google Yourself:
    1. It is important to Google yourself to see what results comes up. Do you like what you see? Is there anything to see at all?
    2. People ARE “Googling” you for many different reasons, from personal to professional
    3. Gain some control over what people find! Send the messages YOU want to send. Avoid non-professional messages and images!
  2. What is Linkedin?
    1. Linkedin is the premier online professional networking website
    2. More than 85 Million members
    3. Facebook without the “Shmutz”
  3. How Does Linkedin Work?
    1. Exponential Network
    2. 3 Levels

C. What do you do with Linkedin?

  1. How Do I Get Started on Linkedin?
    1. Create an Account (Free)
    2. Produce a professional and meaningful profile

1. Vanity URL

2. Headline

3. Employment

4. Summary

5. Specialties

6. Contact Settings

7. Public Profile Settings

    1. What is “Open Networking?”
    2. Connect to me by sending an email to chaimshapiro@aol.com to start out strong
    3. I can help you develop your Linkedin Profile
    4. NETWORK!

Advanced Linkedin Workshop (45 Minutes)

I. Linkedin Groups

II. Look for Jobs

III. Twitter Feed

IV. Box.net

V. Ask Questions

VI. Answers- Gain Expertise

VII. Reading List

VIII. Recommendations

IX. Answers

X. Events

Advanced Professional Networking (1 Hour):

I. Personal Website

II. Blogging

III. Using your email as a marketing tool

IV. Google Profiles

V. Tracking your hits

VI. Twitter

A. What is Twitter

1. Updates

2. 140 Characters or less

3. Twitter Feeds

B. How does Twitter work?

1. Twitter Subscribers

2. Linkedin

3. Facebook

C. How do I use Twitter?

1. Make an account (free)

2. Find your friends

3. Follow others

4. Post

VII. Facebook

A. Warning

1. Mistakes

2. Pictures

3. Videos

B. Wider audience

C. Less control

VII. What about all the other sites?